Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Welcome to Kingdom Words Blog!

Hello and Welcome to Kingdom Words blog! I am happy you have joined me in this adventure. The purpose of this blog will be to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, encourage, and empower you in your walk with God. It is my desire to see you succeed in every part of your life and to walk in a manner worthy of an heir to the Kingdom of God. The idea for this blog began when my wife asked me if I had ever thought about blogging. It wasn't something that I had thought about for very long, but it was a thought that I had that I believe was dropped in by the Holy Spirit. My facebook posts have been a source for many people to draw inspiration from and have a "right now" word that they can hold on to. I pray that this blog blesses you and that the Name of Jesus is lifted high! Thank you for joining me. I look forward to sharing with you on this blog. You may also connect with me at Facebook or follow me on Twitter at @JRPrice86. Justin Price